All About Positive Experience!


Mobile-App Pregnancy


Doula is a pregnancy app which provides audio guidance in the final phase of pregnancy for managing the pain during contractions. Additionally, users can view statistics of their contractions. The app supports several languages to make it more accessible for users in different countries.

This project is redesign and rebranding the old version that was primarily developed by DTT.

My Role

UX designer:
User research, Market research, Brand Identity, User flow and Prototype


The original app was missing a symptom tracker that expectant mothers can use to log their symptoms and monitor changes throughout their pregnancy. Additionally, the visual style of the app was outdated and not very engaging. Users have also reported feeling disconnected from the app and are looking for a more personal and supportive

● Understand the user needs and pain points.
● Develop a new feature for the app that includes a symptom tracker that allows the user to log their symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue, cramping, etc and also track changes over time.
● Update the visual style to be more modern and engaging.
● Update the home screen of the application in order to improve the user experience based on the identified pain points.

Desk Research and Findings

We have started with a highly intense desk research about the user target, brands objectives and competitors. Here are some of the results

  • Single parents now constitute about 19% of the households with children in the EU. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this phenomenon concerns women. There is no clear data in overall worldwide, but this statistic can be generalized and increasing. As a result, I consider the pregnant women, herself, as user. And the app will be designed for the moment that the user is alone. Although, the contraction recorder might be used by a person accompanying a pregnant woman.
  • As mentioned, user feels disconnection with the app. In order to improve a more effective interaction with the product, using a more engaging visual style is essential. Solutions: Visualization of real situations, Means: photo of real people dealing with same condition.
  • Swelling of the fingers: This is a common problem in pregnancy which is gradually developed. The user may face difficulty in regard to the touch screen devices. Bigger Size of buttons considered as solution
  • Creating an app for all women worldwide needs to consider women with different disabilities. For exp: The audio guide is great, but it is necessary to find an alternative solution for women with hearing disabilities. I suggest a text guide instead of audio player if the user indicates hearing difficulty in setting.
  • Tracking a symptom should lead to a result. I think having a section that gives daily tips and advices based on the user’s condition is necessary to engage.
  • In the old version, User will receive a huge amount of information in first interact, regardless that user hasn’t had any clear idea about the outcome. I create the flow with short explanation of the whole idea and giving the opportunity of learning more. But the user has the chance to explore the app first, and I let the app speak for itself.
  • Would be good to change some terms and phrase that has been used in the app. Exp: Doula Complete give this impression that free plan is not enough.
  • The user, will see the short explanation of notifications at the top of each screen. These dialog boxes are dismissible.